Thursday, November 29, 2007

Volume III Part 2

"Bring Out The Greatness Within You"

The best job goes to the person who can get it done without passing the buck or coming back with excuses.
—Napoleon Hill—


Do you expect all airlines to be efficient 99% of the time? Let’s assume a certain airline flies 100 times a day which is about 36,500 flights a year at a 99.9% success rate. At .1%, about 36 flights wouldn’t be arriving to their destination annually.

How about your drinking water? What if it were unsafe one day out of a month? What about the mail? At 99.9%, it equates to 16,000 lost pieces of mail an hour! What if this was an answer to scholarship money to your favorite school. I think you’re beginning to get the point.

When you make a commitment to become a teammate, that commitment should be 100%. If there is just one bad apple in the bunch, it will spoil the entire bushel! Don’t let this happen to your team. Here are some preventive measures:

All your teammates should be willing to learn – fire those that aren’t because you just can’t afford a no-it-all.

Stay disciplined – listen to your coaches and you will win—no exceptions!

Once you make a commitment as a team, stay committed—99% just isn’t enough.

Be a wingman to your teammates.

Refuse to fail TOGETHER!

Get That MoJo Goin’

On any given night any team can beat another no matter who they are or where they are ranked in the polls. Every year upsets occur and no team is immune to falling to a lesser opponent. TO PREVENT THIS YOU NEED TO STAY FOCUSED AND FOLLOW THROUGH! Keep the team momentum flowing.

We talked about David and Goliath
(TMDA Volume II Part 5) in a previous blog, and how attitude played an important role. Don’t just talk the talk you need to walk the walk if you want to win. If your team truly believes in itself, victory will follow.

Once you get into the business world, one of the keys to success will be your ability to work closely with your team and to build trust. Your daily preparation for game day equates to how you perform in life.

Next Blog

How to build trust.

Tony Falco

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