Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Volume II Part 17

"Bring Out The Greatness Within You"

“A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping-stone to the optimist.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

Getting Out Of A Rut

Do you ever find yourself in a rut? We’ve all been at a low point at some time in our lives, and how long you stay there is what matters. Studies show that how you see the future will shape your future.

If you see yourself as never becoming a successful athlete or person, you are shaping your future negatively. Now deep inside your subconscious is the realization that you do have a purpose in life. You need to work toward that purpose and make life significant.

So what do you need to do to get out of that rut and become the athlete and person you dream about? Well, the best way to develop your future is to create it. DON’T FEEL SORRY FOR YOURSELF take action and give your life a purpose.

The first thing you need to do is set some goals. Here are some examples of what you can do:

Decide what you want out of your life – what kind of athlete do you want to become?

Decide what kind of person you want to become – write down the type of personality you want to be.

Determine some long range goals – you should want to achieve these goals by
the time you graduate high school or college (e.g. captain of the team)

Determine your short range goals – you might want to achieve these by the time your season ends (e.g. winning the league championship)

Break your goals down into small parts so you can achieve a little every day

The things you do only have meaning if they help you reach your goal. Remember how we talked about following through and its importance to your overall plan.

It’s Like The Sun Rising

No matter how great an athlete you think you are you’re going to go into a slump. It’s like the sun rising every day – it will happen. So expect it and deal with it. You know it won’t last forever and once it’s over you move on.

You can’t let today get you down because there is always tomorrow. You can’t change what you did yesterday, but you can create a better tomorrow by staying positive and letting the past be the past.

Next Blog

We’re movin’ on!

If you want game, take the DiSC Assessment.

Tony Falco

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