Thursday, August 23, 2007

Volume 1 Part 4

"Bring Out The Greatness Within You"

Have you ever wanted to play like you were worth a million dollars? I will show you the secrets on how to succeed in sports making you the athlete you often dream about.

Why Not Me?

Do you think you can become The Million Dollar Athlete? If you have the tools, is there any reason why you can’t? You may not be the fastest or the strongest on the team, but you have something others don’t . . . . A PASSION TO SUCCEED.

This passion is your passport to success so don’t take it lightly. If you truly have the desire to succeed, then you will. Continue to ask yourself, why not me?

Measuring Behavior

OK, let’s talk about behavioral strengths and weaknesses. In the mid-nineteen twenties, a psychologist named William Moulton Marston
began observing human behavior. He discovered that people fall into four basic categories and called it the DISC model. DISC is an acronym that stands for the following:

  1. (D) Dominant - controlling, makes quick decisions, bottom line

  2. (I) Influencing - upbeat, people oriented, everything is great

  3. (S) Steadiness - orderly, loyal, needs “pat on the back”

  4. (C) Conscientiousness - analytical, above board, diplomatic

Each characteristic describes a certain type of behavior pattern as you can see above. Which behavior are you? How about your parents, teachers, friends, or coaches?
You can actually have a lot of fun using DiSC® to determine the behavior of the people you know which helps in getting along with others. What I have provided here is a general overview of the behavioral types, but there is much more to learn.

You can use these behaviors to help you become more competitive while you are on the athletic field or anywhere else for that matter. ALL
successful people know their strengths and weaknesses and know how to get along with others. Clicking with the people around you makes for better productivity and creates successful individuals and teams.

The DiSC Model

The original DiSC® model has been modified from the original by a company called Inscape Publishing, which is the company I use for the DiSC® assessment tool. I have used the DiSC® assessment to train many teachers on managing behavior.

Next Blog

Why using DiSC will make your teammates think you have "psychic" powers.

Tony Falco
“The Coach”

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