Tuesday, August 7, 2007


How many times have you had dreams about becoming a player of the week or making the final play of the game that leads your team to victory?

As a former high school football, wrestling, and track coach, I have played and coached on many championship teams. My biggest concern has always been to build greater self-esteem within student-athletes.

The Million Dollar Athlete will teach you that your attitude is tied to your performance and is responsible for things such as batting slumps, poor shooting in basketball, and even failing test scores in school. You will learn that the sub-conscious mind has the power to pick you up or put you down.


What comes first success—or self-confidence? People often say that you need success before you can gain any confidence, but I say that’s wrong. If that’s the case, you aren’t in control of your life because you play a waiting game hoping for something to happen. The Million Dollar Athlete doesn’t hope – they make it happen.

Let’s assume your goal is to be a starter in basketball, but for whatever the reason you are not starting and are placed on the second team. What’s your reaction? It probably will be that you are a failure; you begin to quit on yourself, and blame your coach.

So now let’s assume that same scenario, but your attitude is a little different. You already have the confidence in yourself and you aren’t waiting for something to happen. Instead, being placed on the second team now drives you even more to become a first team player or you become the best sixth man the school ever had. You have now turned an obstacle into an advantage because of the way you think, and you start to take control of your life.

This is how the The Million Dollar Athlete thinks. They demonstrate a positive attitude about themselves and possess the ability to remove any negative thoughts that will interfere with this process.

How do you think?

Next Blog

Start thinking like The Million Dollar Athlete.

Tony Falco
"The Coach"

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