Monday, November 19, 2007

Volume II Part 18

"Bring Out The Greatness Within You"

Time to Move On

We’ve covered a lot of ground over the last several months and there’s still more to come. Let’s look at some of the highlights:

We discussed self-awareness using the DiSC model and why understanding yourself is so important to your success

We learned that being different isn’t wrong—it’s just being different and that we need to respect the opinions of others

We talked about maintaining a positive attitude and that you can’t change what happened yesterday

We also discussed the sub-conscious mind and the power it has in influencing the way you think and act

You learned how to make every day a perfect day by practicing a positive attitude

We also discussed why following through is so important in building that positive attitude

In the “chicken and egg” theory, you learned why self-confidence needs to come first if you want to gain success

We discussed building trust and why it’s so important in your success

Finally, you learned how to focus on the task, how to control the outcome, which leads to winning in life

What’s Next?

So far we’ve discussed two Power Principles For Success—Self-Awareness and Attitude. Our third Power Principle involves Teamwork and how we can work together as a group to achieve a common goal. Teamwork is the third in my series of Six Power Principles For Success.

The goal of this program is to give you an unfair advantage over your competition. Learn and practice the Six Power Principles and you will gain more success than you can ever handle. Imagine scoring that winning goal, hitting that game winning home run, or scoring that winning touchdown. Nothing is impossible—follow these six principles and it can happen!

The remaining three power principles we will be discussing are Mastering Time, Leadership, and Success. I told you we have a lot to talk about. Becoming that Million Dollar Athlete isn’t easy so you need to focus—control—win.

I’m pumped up and ready to go so see you next time where we’ll begin a new and exciting journey that will build YOUR success.

ARE YOU BUILT TO SUCCEED? Take the DiSC assessment and find out!

Next Blog

“All for one and one for all.”

Tony Falco

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