Thursday, August 30, 2007

Volume 1 Part 6

"Bring Out The Greatness Within You"

Have you ever wanted to play like you were worth a million dollars? I’ll show you the secrets on how to succeed in sports making you the athlete you often dream about.

It’s Your Backbone

So this self-awareness we’ve been discussing is really the backbone for your becoming successful. I don’t care what you do or who you are it’s important to get along better with others, and ALL successful people understand this.

If you dream about becoming captain of the team, do you ever think about how you are going to get your
teammates to respect you? Just because you are called the captain, it doesn’t mean you automatically have the respect of fellow players. You need to earn their respect from the very beginning. If you get off on the wrong foot, it could cost your team it’s season. I know because I’ve experienced it!
Let’s look at the DiSC® model one more time to explain how to relate better with people.

You can see that relating to each of the four behaviors is different and must be respected. This will show you that you can’t treat everyone the same. In order to get along and become a true leader, you must respect another’s behavior. If you do this from the beginning, “the respect that you show will be the respect that will grow.”

Being Different Isn’t Wrong

You need to understand that being
“different” isn’t wrong—it’s just being different. You can’t attack someone personally by calling them stupid, ignorant, etc. What you can say is that you each have a “difference of opinion” on how things are supposed to be done. By saying it this way, you take the focus off of them as a person, and place it on their behavior instead. So tempering your statements enables you to get more productivity out of you and your teammates which is what winning is all about.

Reacting To Others

We all react differently toward other people, but there is a common thread. The steps we all take in our evaluation are :

· Judge - by this I mean their appearance
· Understand - by looking beyond their appearance – their likes and dislikes
· Respect - who they are as a whole
· Appreciate - their differences of opinion
· Value - know their strengths and weaknesses

Once you begin to value others, you begin to truly understand them and how to get along better even though they are “different.”

Next Blog

Strength without the use of weight training.

Tony Falco
“The Coach”

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