Friday, September 28, 2007

Volume II Part 4

"Bring Out The Gretness Within You"

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.
—Scott Hamilton—

Who Do You Attract?

Dr. Joe Vitale in his book, “The Attractor Factor,” writes about the kinds of people you attract and how it can sometimes hold you back from becoming successful. Look at the people you hang with and determine their behavioral type using the DiSC® assessment you’ve already taken as your guide.

Now that you’ve determined the types of friends you have using DiSC®, I want you to think of yourself as the
CEO of your life. Next, as the CEO, I want you to FIRE those individuals that have a negative impact on you. That’s right, fire them! If you want to become The Million Dollar Athlete, you need to be around people that create a positive influence on you.

I know this is tough to do since they are friends, but if they are influencing you
negatively they need to go — Now! I want you to always remember how the sub-conscious mind works. If you believe that you can’t you won’t, but if you believe that you can you will. Once the mind starts to believe you can’t, you can never become the person of your dreams.

You can become athlete of the week, beat the best team in the league, and even pass that difficult test in school. Put your mind to it and it will happen, but you need to work from a clean slate. Take that broom and sweep your mind of all the garbage — think only good positive thoughts. Start to create your own luck by building a rock solid attitude that will take you to the top.

The Tuning Fork

Think of a tuning fork when you think about who you attract. When you hit a tuning fork, the only other tuning forks that respond are those with the same frequency. All the others stay silent because they aren’t on the same wavelength. You attract people in the same way.

Once you become conscious of this, it will become painful for you to be around a negative person. You won’t want to associate with them because you’ve become so aware of their negativity and how it can drag you down.

This is critical in your understanding and maturing into The Million Dollar Athlete.

Next Blog

Holding conversations with yourself.

Tony Falco
“The Coach”

The DiSC Factor

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Volume II Part 3

"Bring Out The Greatness Within You"

Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day.
—Author Unknown—

Playing Catch With The Universe

Did you ever hear about the “
Law Of Attraction?” It’s the most powerful law in the universe, and states that whatever you throw out to the universe you will get back in return. It’s like playing catch with a friend. When you throw the ball, that same ball always comes back to you.

This is true with the Law Of Attraction. Whatever you throw out to the universe is what you will get back in return. So if you are negative and continue to say you can’t, the universe will throw all that same negative stuff back at you.

To be The Million Dollar Athlete, you need to think positive because this is what you want coming back. All of the really great athletes think this way and it helps them control their own destiny. If you want to play catch with the universe, you’d better be in the right frame of mind. So be careful what you wish for because it will come true.

What Is Luck?

Donald Trump once said, “Everything in life is luck.” I couldn’t disagree more especially after being introduced to the Law Of Attraction. As an athlete, you make or break your own situation simply by the way you think.

Roger Federer, as an example, always throws out positive vibrations to the universe. His opponents aren’t as positive, though, and they start becoming tentative (negative) about winning. Call it bad luck, but it’s those “negative vibes” at work again. Roger Federer’s opponents are often convinced they can’t win.

You see there is no
luck. It’s all about your approach to the game and toward life. If you think you are going to fail a test, guess what — you will no matter how much you study. Yet, your friend passes easily without spending nearly as much time hitting the books. Sound familiar? You need to learn how to “play catch with the universe.”

According to The Law Of Attraction, you will begin to attract negative people if you are negative yourself. It’s time to look at your friends and the people that surround you. If they are a negative influence, you need to change who you hang with to become The Million Dollar Athlete.

Next Blog

What is the “attractor factor.”

Tony Falco

DiSC Assessment Video

Monday, September 24, 2007

Volume II Part 2

"Bring Out The Greatness Within You"

“Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.”
— John N. Mitchell —

What Are The Statistics?

National statistics show that approximately 25% of all college freshmen
dropout of school before entering their second year. Oddly enough, the national high school graduation rate was nearly identical.

The most striking statistic is the fact that a college graduate will earn ONE MILLION DOLLARS more over their working lifetime than a high school dropout. If you stay in school and earn that college degree, you’ll put all that extra money in your pocket. Imagine having an extra $1,000,000! So, if you don’t make it to the “pros,” it’s even more important that you stay in school.

You only ever hear about the elite athletes and not those that are borderline. The chances for someone making it to the
pros are around 1% for all sports — male or female! Many athletes who lack a college degree have no safety net to fall back on, and they flounder in life.

Mirror, Mirror

Your subconscious mind is the most powerful thing in your body. If you feel you are a loser, have bad luck, and nothing ever goes right you need to change your vibes. If your mind begins to accept this thinking as the truth, that negative attitude becomes difficult to break.

You need to look in the mirror every day and create positive self-talk. Sound stupid? Not really. You need to change your vocabulary from I can’t to I can and I will. In short, you need to train your mind. Do this consistently and I guarantee you will see a change in how you think and act.

Look at all the good in things in your life and not just the negative. If you had five positive outcomes today and one bad outcome, would you focus your attention more on the negative? If the answer is yes, start looking into that mirror today.

P.S. DiSC Assessment

Want to know how to take the DiSC assessment that I’ve been giving successfully to teachers and students for years? Well, just shoot me an email at with your name, home address, and email address and I’ll tell you how. Don’t wait to start gaining that competitive advantage now.

Next Blog

How to “play catch with the universe” to get what you want.

Tony Falco

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Volume II part 1

"Bring Out The Greatness Within You"

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.
—Author: William James (American Psychologist)—

Mind Binders

Most often our behavior is influenced by the words that we use. If we think negatively about ourselves and our abilities, it’s because we are overlooking the positives. Do you feel that you are always being picked on and made fun of? Do you lack self-confidence off the athletic field? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you are a mind binder.

Every word that we repeat and believe shapes who we are and what we become. Words that have a negative impact on our lives are called “mind binders.” Some examples are:

· I just can’t remember any of the plays
· I don’t have enough time
· I’m not perfect
· I can’t please any of my coaches or teachers
· I don’t like to practice
· We’ll never beat that team
· I just can’t get going
· I’m not that smart

Do any of these mind binders apply to you? Now sit back and make a list of how many other negative phrases or words you use and how they affect your life. Once you have made the list, think of how you can turn them into positive beliefs.

Picture Perfect

Each day you need to develop your positive attitude that will help make each day “picture perfect.” You need to clear your mind of negatives and create a change that will make you lead a more successful and richer life.

Start each day with “I am,” “I will,” “I can,” etc. You can be whatever you want to be as long as you believe in yourself. People have said to me that The Million Dollar Athlete would never be popular because there is no audience . . . wrong. If you believe in yourself, no one can ever take away your dreams. GO FOR IT!!

Next Blog

How you can earn an EXTRA one million dollars over your working life time?

Probable DiSC Behaviors from blog 9:

Eric Mangini – D
Alex Rodriguez – C
Eli Manning – S

Raymond - I
Mother - D
Brother – S
Father – C

P.S. DiSC Assessment

Want to know how to take the DiSC assessment that I’ve been giving successfully to teachers and students for years? Well, just shoot me an email at with your name, home address, and email address and I’ll tell you how. Don’t waste time — start gaining that competitive advantage now.

Tony Falco
“The Coach”

Monday, September 10, 2007

Volume I Part 9

"Bring Out The Greatness Within You"

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
— Winston Churchill —

Gaining The Advantage

OK, so we’ve taken a journey inside YOU to see what you are all about. I just can’t emphasize enough about how important all of this is, but believe me once you practice it you will see a change in everything you do — but you need to believe in it.

In the last blog, I talked about Laveranues Coles,
Eric Mangini, A-Rod, and Eli Manning. Which one of the four DiSC® behaviors describes each of them best? I'll give you the answers in the next blog.

Now try this one! On the TV show Everybody Loves Raymond which one of the four DiSC® traits best describes Raymond, the mother, the father, the brother? Again, I'll give you the answers in the next blog. If you get all of these right, you will be close to being an “expert” on DiSC®!

So now you can see how this all fits into your everyday life as well as on the athletic field. Once you possess this knowledge, there is really no telling what mountains you can climb. Remember, all successful people use their strengths to gain the advantage, and this assessment helps you understand your strong points.

If you would like to take the assessment tool, please send me an email at and I will tell you how.


Becoming a success doesn’t happen overnight, and there is a huge learning curve. This blog is meant to give you a short-cut to success, and one of the best ways to learn is to listen to someone who has made all the mistakes for you. Think of it as having
Dale Earnhardt Jr. whispering in your ear while you are driving in the Indy 500. Learning from his mistakes will certainly get you to that checkered flag ahead of the pack much quicker.

This whole thing on building success isn’t over yet. In fact, we’ve got a long way to go. Starting in the next blog, we’ll spend some time on attitude and how it affects your performance. We’ll talk about things like visualization, the law of attraction, positive self-talk, and how to take control of your day. It’s all coming up!

Next Blog

Volume II – All About Attitude – What Are Mind Binders?

Tony Falco
“The Coach”

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Volume 1 Part 8

"Bring Out The Greatness Within You"

Have you ever wanted to play like you were worth a million dollars? I’ll show you the secrets on how to succeed in sports making you the athlete you often dream about.

Chicken Soup?

Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen wrote a book called “Chicken Soup For The Soul.” It’s a best seller that tells of inspirational stories about people and how they handled adversity in their lives. If you get a chance, read the book I think you will like it and find it inspirational.

“Chicken Soup For The Athlete.”

Laveranues Coles of the NY Jets openly complains to the press about the difficulty of coach Eric Mangini’s training camps. When approached by Mangini about it, Coles said, “look, Eric it’s just how I get through the week.” At that moment, Coach Mangini understood where Coles was coming from and realized it was just who he is. Once you understand someone, you will understand and not misunderstand. Do you remember our DiSC® discussion in Volume 1 Part 4 about behavioral types? The fact is that here Mangini adapted his own behavior to meet the needs of a player and gained respect in the process.

Tiki Barber made a comment not long ago about NY Giant QB Eli Manning’s leadership abilities. Manning is obviously not a vocal leader, and you don’t
have to be in order to lead. There are many ways to grab teammates
attention and be respected — many of which we will discuss in my blog
about leadership. Too often we feel someone has to shout and be a tyrant to gain respect . . . not so.

For the first several years of
Alex Rodriquez’s NY Yankee contract, he often
floundered on the field. Even though he was an MVP player as a Yankee, he couldn’t shake the fact that he couldn’t hit in the clutch. Now, A-Rod is having a banner year. What changed? He has always placed a tremendous amount of pressure upon himself to perform at his best. Wanting to be the best is not a bad thing, but anything taken to the extreme becomes a negative. This is something A-Rod has obviously begun to understand.

P.S. DiSC Assessment

Want to know how to take the DiSC
assessment that I’ve been giving successfully to teachers
and students for years? Well, just shoot me an email at with your name, home address, and email address and I’ll tell you how. Don’t wait to start gaining that competitive advantage now.

Next Blog

Gaining the competitive advantage.

Tony Falco
“The Coach”

Monday, September 3, 2007

Volume 1 Part 7

"Bring Out The Greatness Within You"

Have you ever wanted to play like you were worth a million dollars? I’ll show you the secrets on how to succeed in sports making you the athlete you often dream about.

Playing To Your Strengths

You don’t need weight training to become stronger—at least in the mind. Improving how you think and act is what success is all about. Years ago coach “Bear” Bryant of the University of Alabama beat teams twice their size and he did it with speed. Each game was like watching David vs. Goliath, and each time Alabama would prevail.

Why did coach Bryant always win? Because he took the strength of the team and made it better. He concentrated on using speed to defeat strength and size which was a different approach at the time.

When you talk to most people, they will tell you that you need to improve your weaknesses to become successful. Well, that’s just plain wrong! If you want to succeed, you need to concentrate on sharpening your strengths. Take what you do well and become even better at it. That’s what successful people do.

For instance, if you know you like being around people (Influencing), like authority (Dominant), are a real team player (Steadiness), or analytical (conscientiousness) in nature, these are the traits you need to make even better. Always make your strengths work for you. Most student/athletes will never understand this key point and fail on and off the playing field without ever knowing why.

So, use and not abuse your strengths to get what you want. Do you know what your strong points are?


Ask yourself what frustrates you the most at school? What frustrates you the most as an athlete? Now I want you to ask the same questions to your teammates. I will be willing to bet that you will get different answers regarding their frustrations.

The point I am making is that we all perceive things differently. Just because you are on the same team and are friends doesn’t mean that you have the same concerns. Remember, this is what makes us DIFFERENT and NOT wrong in our beliefs.

All successful people know how their behavior affects other people, and maximize on what they do well. These are extremely important points you need to understand before we move on to the next bog.

Next Blog

How can chicken soup help you play better? Also, how YOU can take the DiSC assessment to gain greater insight into your own strengths and weaknesses.

Tony Falco
“The Coach”